Sonntag, 30. September 2012

Random photos from around Zürich

Here's a bunch of photos I've taken around Zürich which didn't seem to fit into any cohesive story or statement. Also, a lot of them the most interesting thing in the photo is some kind of vine, what can I say? I like vines. :)

You wouldn't guess this is practically in the city, and it's 3min walk from our new  place!
The same building a little closer, it's apparently an art museum, but we haven't been inside yet.


More (and prettier) vines.

Two headless women and one headless man, it's also one the many drinking water fountains around Zürich. 

Vines on a bridge!

Vines on a street lamp!


A clock made of plants, and it actually tells the correct time (how could it not?)

Found this out the back of a local church, no idea what these stairs are meant to be for... or why they go nowhere...

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